#IIC Tyneham: more artist's books on the horizon


My colleague and I have just heard that we have been awarded £4K in Conservation and Heritage funding to develop a collaborative research project at Tyneham. This first round of seed funding has to be spent by the end of July, so we are going to be busy visiting the site and contacting potential collaborators from the MoD, the University, the local community - artists, educators, descendants of the villagers - as well as museums and research institutions.  If the project attracts further funding, we hope to use the site for undergraduate and postgraduate studio projects but also to develop practice-research by using a range of creative methods to visualise and document the hidden histories of the abandoned village. This will be a perfect opportunity for me to develop my illustrative practices/artist's books as research (alongside Time after Time which could take another year to complete at current speeds!) - an exciting way to link my artwork and lecturing work. 


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