#IIC BABE: Bristol Artists' Book Event

The Bristol Artists' Book Event was a revelation to me, as I think I now know how and where to share Time After Time when it is fully formed. The range of creative practice was incredible and I really enjoyed the way much of it could not be defined using conventional art terms such as panting, printing, and sculpture, fluid and inclusive practices. I was very inspired by the range and quality of work, the associated artists' websites and the work we purchased. As I prepare to exhibit and perhaps sell my work, my challenge will be in the setting out and finishing of books using In Design, Illustrator etc. to create polished and professional-looking final products, so I have signed-up to Adobe classes in the autumn, a little late for the MA but part of the same developmental trajectory. Also, the UWE Book Arts newsletter is going to be a very useful reference for me to identify conferences and events, it's time to get my work out there.



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