More tiny leaves

 Many more tiny leaves. Leaves on a hillside supporting recovering species of tigers and pandas; leaves and flowers growing around Jo Cox, her ideas living on; and leaves growing at the base of Grenfell (turning Grenfell into a living, green tower, has been suggested as a way to celebrate and remember the lives of those who were lost). The first leaves were quite naturalistic and inspired by the paintings in Garden and Cosmos, but these were too mimetic. The leaves-shapes of the second-attempt were more consistent with the overall design, but the colour too bright. The shape and colour of the Goldilocks leaves worked well but are taking an age to paint, a base layer of white required to achieve the vibrant colour I want...once again, it would be quicker to grow the plants!

Overall, the colours of the panel need lifting, so I am also wondering whether to make the pale-blue dashes white, a decision that can wait a while.


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