#IIC The Beauty of Books BBC Four

This was a fantastic programme on BBC Four, a potted history of the book including an examination of the Codex Sainiticus, the Luttrell Psalter, and the Winchester Bible, all beautifully, hand-crafted and illuminated manuscripts. The programme also examined more contemporary documents including the original drawings for Alice in Wonderland and the iconic front cover for A Clockwork Orange, which was created by the commissioner, David Pelham, at very late notice having been let down by the commissioned illustrator: David described the rapid process and use of collage he used to create the image, having been inspired by Kubrick's film (the cover includes imagery that appears in the film but not in the novel). 

I have been wondering how to represent the animals in my work: crazy animals but lovely use of colour, line and pattern which could help!

The rich use of colour , gold leaf and hand-written phrases are all things I need to develop for Time After Time, hand-writing a particular challenge!

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