Refining the composition of the second panel 2018-2019, using A4 plates


The composition of this panel is a little stronger, although like the first, I need to refine the final plate.

When I move up a scale, I will need to think about the balance between printing, painting, drawing and collage of real things or people, for example, I am thinking of using images of the first settlers in America to symbolise the 'caravan of people' who were trying to escape the terrible conditions in Venezuela by travelling to America...and meeting Trumps Wall.
I am also going to have to test how to depict water, sea, rivers, rain etc.
More fire to depict here, and again the challenge of drawing animals. I am not sure whether to include them as silhouettes, collages or drawings using line...
This plate will have more detail, the plants and the 'lost' tortoise will be the main features and I have to remember it is about a balance of composition across the panel and across all three panels which will be 5 metres is hard to keep visualising the detail and the bigger picture so I keep the sketches pinned to my wall and overlay them with trace to refine the composition.


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