Refining the composition of the first panel 2016-2017, using A4 plates


2016-2017: starting to work out the use of tone and refining the composition across the plates. A pretty good start but when I stand back from this, I am not happy with the symmetry of the first two plates or the regular rhythm of darker 'lumps' at the bottom of the image; I am also unhappy with fourth plate which is unresolved at this point!

Beginning the story, looking back at Alan Kurdi, sitting with the tree of knowledge
Quick marks here will pose a challenge later: the plants, animals and how to depict fire.
The intention is to create something which is beautiful to draw the viewer in and then provide a space to remember events such as Grenfell Tower and the death of Jo Cox (sadly joined this year by David Amess). The intention is also to convey messages of hope and optimism: 'we have more in common than that which divides us.'. Drawing fire and Grenfell is going to be such a challenge...
I need to revisit this plate and look more carefully at the Larsen C iceberg as this bares no resemblance!


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