Planning Composition: Definitely not A2 Plates!

My first attempts to plot the stories and develop the composition: 3 linear panels, each with 4 plates and three folds, the idea being that the final versions will be folded, artists books but could also be reproduced as scrolls. I started with A5 landscape for each plate and then moved up through the scales, testing different standard and non-standard paper sizes and my ability to make corresponding marks and use collage; the largest plate size tested was A2, much too big for my mark-making methods and time constraints (I do want to finish at least one panel before September 2022!).

First attempts, above, A5 landscape plates, helpful to work out the composition but far too small for the level of detail I will need to include.
Sketching it out again and testing tones and marks usingA2 and A4 plates; A2 too huge so I continued working out the composition and content at A4...


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