Taking Stock

We have been back at work for a few weeks now and I am little frustrated that I don't have the time I would like to spend on my art work, so I thought this would be good to look at what I have achieved so far to - hopefully -  give myself a boost:

Panel 1 2016-2017 is pretty well worked out in draft, and although there are many, many layers of the story to add and solve, the composition is more-or-less resolved and I am much happier with Grenfell and the fourth plate (the plan view of Larsen C is now recognisable as such). I have also worked out some of the techniques to be used which hasn't always been straight forward and I have spent crazy days on some elements; I hope this effort will pay off when I start the final version and the mock-ups for Panel 2 and 3. 

I also have decided that I will use photographs of some of the prominent people in my work: Jo Cox, Alan Kurdi, Kadija Saye, George Floyd and now David Amess. I am going to use a technique whereby I print in black and white and then colour-tint the images so they have a slightly aged, historic and dream-like quality, which worked well in my Tyneham piece; I am doing this because they need to be recognisable and arresting.

I have a choice now, I can work on the final version of Panel 1 (which could take months) or mock-up Panel 2, so I have two progressing at the same time. I think I will do the latter, partly because Panel 2 is my favourite and I would really like to have it finished for September 2022 and at this point, I am really not sure if I will manage one, two or three panels, but we will see.

Some things I have managed not to tackle: hand-drawings of people and animals! Procrastination can only last so long, so maybe they are actually my next challenge... and working out the colour of the backgrounds, as currently they are too green.


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