A3 plates, the Goldilocks scale

I have decided to use A3 plates as they work best with the scale of marks I make and A3 also offers the possibility of completing one or two of the panels by September 20221(!) and screen printing at home, which may be handy if I have to continue printing numerous backgrounds due to error or dissatisfaction with the colour!

Now I have made this decision I can start to test approaches to some of the details and have returned to one of my favourite exhibitions/catalogues for inspiration (Garden and Cosmos, the royal paintings of Jodhpur, at the British Museum). I have been studying the way plants are depicted and playing with the scale of marks and intensity of colour for leaves(improved by painting a white base coat before painting the individual leaves).

I am also experimenting with ways of representing water (drawn lines, hand-painted bands of colour and/or dots) and checking my methods and line-types against work completed earlier in the summer.
The coloured bands (right image) look better from a distance but I will need to improve the precision of the painting as the brush work looks quite clumsy!


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